The Uncreation Story of a Black Man
Listen to Roya Marsh read this poem.
i must tell you
Freddie Gray and i
share the same birthdayi must tell you
this is not the first time
a black man dies
after locking eyesi must tell you
how blessed we are
to be hashtagged
while breathingi must tell you
a murderer’s breath is
the homicide note
no one ever writesi must tell you
this is the uncreation story
of a black man
in a Christ-stained bodyi must tell you
Freddie was genesis
& on the 7th day he restedi must tell you
when the city is on fire
the summer comes earlyi must tell you
i smile
in amazement
at fury-lit streetsi must tell you
this poem
is a famished reflectioni must tell you
this poem
has a bellyful
of Black flesh
and bonei must tell you
this poem
will eat YOU alivei must tell you
this poem
licks the plate
when it’s donei must tell you
this poem
is never donei must tell you
i pray
for the day it will endi must tell you
when i pray
i keep one eye cracked
just a bit of space between my palms
a bit of God will seep through.
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