1.Richard Ayoade: The line “What loneliness is more lonely than distrust?” is from which novel? Reveal 2.What is the colour of Holden Caulfield’s hunting hat? Reveal 3.What is Bertie Wooster’s middle name? Reveal 4.William Boyd: In which James Bond novel did Bond get married? Reveal 5.Which one of these American poets did not die by suicide? Reveal 6.Which of these South American writers did not win the Nobel prize? Reveal 7.Bernardine Evaristo: What is the name of the female protagonist in Zora Neale Hurston’s 1937 classic novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God? Reveal 8.Which of these novels is a thriller about a woman from London who mysteriously disappears in Nigeria? Reveal 9.What are the opening words of Toni Morrison’s 1987 novel, Beloved? Reveal 10.David Baddiel: Although virtually all of John Updike’s work was about sex, only one of his short stories involves sex work. What is its title? Reveal 11.What is Shalom Auslander’s satirical novel about cannibals in America struggling to have their identity validated called? Reveal 12.Anne Applebaum’s Autocracy, Inc, published this year, says: “Our old models never acknowledge the truth that many people desire … ” what? Reveal 13.Sara Collins: Wide Sargasso Sea author Jean Rhys was born on which Caribbean island? Reveal 14.Which 2024 publication begins with the following opening line: “In all her youthful visions of the future, of the job she might have, of the city and home she might live in, the friends and family around her, Marnie had never thought she might be lonely”? Reveal 15.What is the name of Barrington Walker’s long-suffering wife in Bernardine Evaristo’s 2013 novel Mr Loverman? Reveal 16.Tom Holland: 2024 was the 200th anniversary of Lord Byron’s death. His grandfather, Vice-Admiral John Byron, was nicknamed what by the British press? Reveal 17.“Thy victims ere they yet expire / Shall know the demon for their sire.” This, in Byron’s The Giaour, A Turkish Tale, is the first mention in English literature of what kind of demon? Reveal 18.“A feat on which ourselves we prided / Leander, Mr Ekenhead, and I did.” To what particular feat, in his great epic Don Juan, is Byron referring? Reveal 19.Ali Smith: Who was once described as a “wild moorland pony” by Lady Ottoline Morrell? Reveal 20.Who most probably said the following: “Military people never seem to apologise for killing each other yet novelists feel ashamed for writing some nice inert paper book that is not certain to be read by anybody”? Reveal 21.And who said: “You were once wild here. Don’t let them tame you”? Reveal Source link
Reader Question – The book where his mother lied to both of them when they were younger, to break them up… 15.03.2025