Reader Question – The book where the villain wants to make a virgin pregnant by superficial methods…

Reader Question - The book where the villain wants to make a virgin pregnant by superficial methods...Simran is looking for this one! Holy moly it’s short but not at all sweet. And… kind of crazy-sounding. Actually, a lot crazy-sounding. Like a psychopathic thriller/kidnap dark read.

She asks:


Its been months that I’ve been trying anything and everything to find the book I read some time ago.

I don’t remember the proper details about it but its about a girl who is I guess human-trafficked because the villain in the book wants to make a virgin girl pregnant but superficial methods and turn her into Virgin Mary, oh also her saviour is a guy who’s name is Ghost.

Any help please?

Anyone have a guess?

Reader Question - The book where the villain wants to make a virgin pregnant by superficial methods...

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Reader Question - The book where the villain wants to make a virgin pregnant by superficial methods...

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Reader Question - The book where the villain wants to make a virgin pregnant by superficial methods...

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