Julianne needs our book help! GAHHHHHH!!! I am having a love/hate moment with this question ’cause I read the spoiler (HOLY MOLY WHAT A TWIST!!) and I hate knowing what happens BUT… it also makes me want to read this book SO bad.
She asks:
Hi Maryse!
I am DESPERATELY trying to find this title and author!
The book where a nurse working the emergency department and a cop/paramedic/firefighter drops by with a patient in tow. He flirts with her, I think, but she brushes it off.
Couple scenes later, they’re at a red traffic light, he looks across his window and waves at her in her car. But then \*bang\* they’re both hit by a truck, it’s a massive accident and he works desperately to save her.
They both are admitted to her hospital, he courts her, they fall in love, have a beautiful life but
*spoiler alert*
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she or he wakes up from a coma and it turns out they dreamt it all. BUT he had the exact same dream! and they have moments of deja vu and there’s a cafe/restaurant that plays a symbolic role in their romance.
Anyone have a guess?
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