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Reader Question – The book where he was caught in bed with his assistant, but was drugged…

Reader Question - The book where he was caught in bed with his assistant, but was drugged...Amanda is looking for this one,. It’s short and sweet but hopefully sparks someone’s memory. Hrmmm… wait. Could this be one of my favorite rock star trilogies??? Am I remembering this correctly ’cause I could swear that I am!

She asks:

In search of a book.

Read a book a long time ago and only detail I can remember hero was drugged and he was caught in bed with his assistant by heroine but it was female manager or ex that drugged him.

I remember the gut punch but no other details.

Thanks for help.

Anyone have a guess?

Maryse: Is it… the Tristan & Danika (“Bad Things”) trilogy???? Eeeeeep that series rocked our worlds for real, PLUS the angsty turmoil of a very similar (if not, identical) scene.

Am I right?


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