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Reader Question – The book where he tells her to have a little pride and not beg him to stay…

Reader Question - The book where he tells her to have a little pride and not beg him to stay...Wanda needs our book help! It’s short and not-so-sweet AND OMG gut punch alert!! This guy is already making me fume. Oh. Yes. I need to read this ASAP!

She asks:

I’m looking for a book I have read, but can’t remember the title or the author..

He tells her to have a little pride and not beg him to stay.

He’s leaving on a mission and doesn’t want her to worry or wait for him in case he doesn’t come back.

Anyone have a guess?

Reader Question - The book where he tells her to have a little pride and not beg him to stay...

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Reader Question - The book where he tells her to have a little pride and not beg him to stay...

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Reader Question - The book where he tells her to have a little pride and not beg him to stay...

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