Reader Question – The book about a stripper who was having sex with a kingpin.

Reader Question - The book about a stripper who was having sex with a kingpin.Day is looking for this one! Not much detail, and I’m sure there’s a ton that happens between how she starts her description and how she ends it off (😂) but I hope it’s enough to spark someone’s memory. 😉

If not, let’s make a list of books like this 0ne.

She asks:

Need to find this book I read this book ages ago it was a series and i can’t remember the name.

It was a about a stripper who was having sex with a kingpin.

*spoiler alert*

*spoiler alert*

*spoiler alert*

*spoiler alert*

*spoiler alert*

Later on in the book they get together she quits stripping they get married.

can’t remember the name of the serious though

Anyone have a guess?

Reader Question - The book about a stripper who was having sex with a kingpin.

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Reader Question - The book about a stripper who was having sex with a kingpin.

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Reader Question - The book about a stripper who was having sex with a kingpin.

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