“There are optical errors in time as well as space.”

Hosted by: Emma Claussen & Hannah Weaver
Proust Curious is a podcast miniseries about the experience of reading À la recherche du temps perdu in its entirety.
This is the volume of Albertine’s disappearance, first from the narrator’s home, then from life, and finally from the narrator’s memory. Hosts Emma Claussen and Hannah Weaver contemplate Proust’s extended meditation on oblivion, love, jealousy, grief, and death. We discuss the careful rhythm of the volume, the transitory nature of the self, and the proliferation of doubles and specters. We travel to Venice, which for once disappoints us more than it does the narrator. Plus, we answer the question, “What is your favorite occupation?” Join us as we search for lost time and remember things Proust.
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View a transcript of the episode here.
Featured image: Le Grand Canal, Venice by Claude Monet / Wikimedia Commons.