The holidays are upon us again. This weekend is all about my annual rewatch of The Holiday and making headway on my Christmas prep list: perhaps baking some cornbread (it freezes well), addressing Christmas cards, and wrapping presents. The Buddy Man is anxiously awaiting something to appear under the tree we put up last weekend.
This time of year also prompts my annual reflection of the past year. In 2024, I finally began to address some of my personal sticking points in a tangible way, including finances (see below.) And of course, I am always looking for ways to beat back seasonal depression after the holidays are over. Send any ideas and suggestions my way, please.
I love writing Links I Love. If you enjoyed reading half as much as I enjoyed writing, that’s a win for me. Thanks so much for reading and Happy Holidays to you and yours.
My favorite finds from around the web:
We offer gift links for articles whenever possible (you may still need to create an account with the publication); if there’s no gift link and you’re not a subscriber, check to see if your library carries the publication or use a service like Pocket.
The Nap Bishop is Spreading the Good Word: Rest. (The New York Times gift link) I am committing myself to rest this winter. Team member Ginger reminded me of the work of Tricia Hersey, also known as the Nap Bishop. Hersey released a new book We Will Rest!: The Art of Escape (Amazon) this past November. Maybe I will get it as a Christmas gift?
Elif Shafak on the Power of Literature and Being a Writer in the “Age of Angst”. (Literary Hub) Shafak’s There are Rivers in the Sky (Amazon) was one of the best books I read this year. If you missed her interview with Anne on What Should I Read Next?, listen here.
27 Ways to Romanticize Your Life this Winter. (The Everygirl) Not all of these are for me (or you) but I’m paying particular attention to number 27.
Money Dials: How to Spend & Why. (I Will Teach You to Be Rich) Ramit Sethi’s article on money dials has changed how I spend. My main dial is Luxury and I have enjoyed finding small ways to add it to my life (see below).
In What Should I Read Next #454: Gift recommendations for readers of all ages, Anne and I recommended Sethi’s book I Will Teach You to Be Rich (MMD). He’s releasing a new book Money for Couples (Amazon) this January and I have already preordered it.
I noticed a colleague wearing a pair of jeans that looked particularly great so a year later (yes, you read that right) I mustered up the courage to ask her about the brand: KUT from the Kloth (Nordstrom). I bought a pair and they might be the most comfortable pair of jeans I have ever owned.
A Blackwing rep came to my local bookstore The Snail on the Wall and introduced me to their luxurious pencil and stationery brand. I am obsessed. I have it on good authority that I will be receiving the pencils as a Christmas gift but I bought myself the pencil sharpener (Amazon) and I am never going back. EVER!
Most Anticipated Book Club Books of 2025. (She Reads) The Modern Mrs Darcy Book Club’s February selection, Good Dirt by Charmaine Wilkerson (Bookshop), is on this list. We will be talking with the author on February 27 and I can’t wait!
Jon Baptiste finds the Blues in Beethoven. (NPR) As a pianist, I am in awe of musician extraordinaire Batiste’s rendition of Für Elise and can’t wait to listen to his new album Beethoven Blues after the holidays are over. Hopefully my “blues” will only be musical this upcoming winter.
Don’t miss these posts:
15 books about books for bibliophiles. For everyone who loves books about books!
Unconventional packing tips for your next trip. This isn’t your usual packing list.
10 series kids love (and their parents do, too).
Have a great weekend!
About the author

Shannan Malone is the MMD Cohost and Contributor. Her go-to genre depends on her mood! You can find Shannan on Instagram @shannanenjoyslife.