Help A Bitch Out

This HaBO is from Chelsea, who wants to find this book. Content warning for the death of a family:
So I read a romance novel a while ago on a laptop that I no longer have.
In the book, a young woman’s family all died in a car accident on the way to like a waterpark or something like that, and she stays in the house but never touches their things. Then a man moves in across the street from her to fix up a house he got from a relative on his mom’s side of the family that he didn’t know because he never really knew his mom. His truck is super loud and she hurts herself on some broken concrete or something outside her house. He helps her up. but throughout the whole book she’s kind of pretending her family is just away on vacation so he doesn’t know they’ve died. She works at like a bakery or something similar & he has three brothers that come help him fix her concrete. Then a frenemy comes and visits her and messes with her family’s stuff, throwing all of her little brother’s things away.
This book is starting to feel like a fever dream and that’s all the details I remember!
Whoa, this sounds sad.
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