The new year is fast approaching, and with it—a brand new season of reading. I’m greatly appreciative of simple creature comforts during this chilly time of year, like hot beverages, soft blankets, and, of course, great books.
The coming months are some of the biggest in publishing, especially for fans of historical fiction, love stories, and family dramas. Plus some of the most anticipated books of the year are published this season.
Here at MMD HQ, we’re planning so many delightful things for you these next few months! I hope you’ll mark your calendars, prep your To Be Read lists, and join us for any or all of the following festivities.

Spring Book Preview: coming January 16!
Join us for our Spring Book Preview, where I’ll share a curated selection of what’s coming your way this season, plus the info you need to decide which books belong on your TBR.
Why is it called Spring Book Preview when it happens in January? Think of it like college: when it comes to the period from January through April, some schools call them “winter” semesters and some schools call that period “spring.” It feels more optimistic to us to label it “spring,” so that’s what we’re going with. (Fun fact! There are three seasons in publishing: summer, fall, and winter aka spring. We cover each season with our marquee events.)
This year’s Spring Book Preview is set for January 16 at 8:30 pm EST. In this 90+ minute live event, I’ll share 35 titles including books I’ve read and loved, the much-anticipated titles I’m most looking forward to reading, and noteworthy spring titles the industry is buzzing about, all publishing between January 1 and mid-April.
This event is very much in the style of our Summer Reading Guide Unboxing party. I’ll walk you through the options and help you get clear on how you want to approach your reading life this spring.
Spring Book Preview includes event access and an accompanying digital PDF booklet that lays out every title in our preview, 6 spotlight titles, and more features to help you make the most of your spring (aka winter!) reading life.
Our Spring Book Preview event is an included perk for members of our Modern Mrs Darcy Book Club community and What Should I Read Next Patreon “Book Lover” supporters. It’s a steal of a deal! For those who don’t have the time or inclination to join a community, we’ve got you covered with our ever-popular a la carte access.
We hope you’ll join us to get more out of your reading life this spring.
More about that Spring Book Preview booklet
Our members and a la carte purchasers receive a digital PDF of our beautiful Spring Book Preview booklet to thoughtfully peruse and hang onto for reference throughout the season (and in the seasons to come). We love hearing how you like to keep your digital booklet handy, referring to it again and again.
The booklet is beautiful, it’s useful, it’s the best email day ever when it arrives—or, perhaps, best mail day as well? We’re offering a printed version of the booklet, just as we did for Fall Book Preview. If you would like to add a printed booklet to your Spring Book Preview experience, preorder your printed booklet and we’ll ship it out the week of Spring Book Preview. (We do not expect you to have the physical booklet in your hands for the event.)
Important details: MMD Book Clubbers and WSIRN patrons: if you would like a printed booklet, hurray! Because your Spring Book Preview access is an included perk of your membership, we will share a different purchase link for the printed booklet add-on in your communities. Please use that link. Thank you!

Our Team‘s Best Books of 2024
It’s so much fun to reflect on our favorite books of 2024! Join the Modern Mrs Darcy team this Thursday December 19 at 1 pm EST as we share our favorite reads of the year, and hope you find a familiar face and a new read (or six?) to enjoy! This event is for our Modern Mrs Darcy Book Club community and What Should I Read Next Patreon “Book Lover” supporters. (This event is just for our community members; there is no a la carte access for this event.)
What’s the difference between Book Club and Patreon?
Great question! If you’d like to listen to MMD community manager Ginger Horton and I talk about the difference, we made this patreon bonus episode publicly available to all: By popular request: Anne and Ginger talk Patreon vs Book Club. It’s a fun and information conversation.
Our communities have different scope and emphases: we think of our Patreon offerings as being bite-sized, while MMD Book Club is more like a buffet. We encourage you to choose the one that best works for you and your reading life. (20% of our readers are members of both communities.)
Our WSIRN Patreon community is an extension of the What Should I Read Next podcast, and offers Friday bonus episodes (e.g., One Great Book, Mini Matchmaking, Industry Insights), peeks behind the scenes, and additional curated book recommendations to our readers in that space. Patreon is audio-first, which means you can mostly participate when it’s convenient for you. Our patrons also influence the show by offering input on future episode themes and guests and voting on our episode titles.
Our slate of MMD Book Club offerings is more robust, which is why we call it a buffet: we seek to offer lots of great literary content in this space, and don’t expect you to put everything on your plate! We host many live events in this space, including monthly book and author discussions, regular classes on literature and the reading life, and community events like our Readers’ Weekend, Best Books of Summer, Reading Life Rehab, Readalongs, Join Us for Journaling, and more. Our live events are video-driven, but you don’t need to attend live to participate: we record our events so you can watch on your schedule. Our custom-built member site also sets Book Club apart: our 24/7 forums makes it easy to enjoy all the book talk your heart desires, and connect with other readers who love books as much as you do.
Prefer a la carte access? Get your ticket right here.
I can’t wait to read with you this season. Happy reading, friends!