Cover Snark: A Whole Host of Textures

Welcome back to Cover Snark!

Fierce by Hattie Jacks. A headless shirtless man looks like he's made of shiny rubber, but his shoulders are starting to become scaly and giant hawk wings are sprouting from his back,

Maya: He’s got falcon wings and I think scales? Texturally I do not understand what is happening on his body, but then also apparently not enough because it looks like his waist was also photoshopped

Sneezy: Maaaaybe that’s like a cobra hood?

Something about how plastic the body looks is giving me weird sensory icks.

Amanda: Yeah there is something rubbery happening.

Sarah: Feathers, rubber, AND Lycra are a bit much for this season of Project Runway, I agree.

The Melting Book One: The Infection by Donna Steele. The left edge has biohazard tape. There's a man doing a presentation in front of a word cloud while a woman in a doctor's coat looks disappointingly down at her phone. Also pasted on the cover is an image of snowy mountains.

From Lisa Y: Another, um, great entry for the Cover Snark pile

Sarah: This is amazing. So many things.

Elyse: I love the word cloud. Nothing makes me want to read something less than an AI generated chart.

Dump and Chase by Anna Albo. A shirtless  man that is sitting down. He is leaning back on one hand and this other hand is running through his brown hair. The way he is flexing makes his chest flair and bulge out.

From Linnea: This chest wall is so bizarre I cannot figure out what is going on. Is there a growth? Does that tattoo go into his armpit?

Sarah: Ok, yeah, does that guy have an escaping trapezius?

Elyse: Dump and chase is when your cat takes a giant shit then shoots out of the litter box and runs around like crazy.

Sarah: I agree, if this is Chase, dump him. There’s a scary face in his abdomen.

Contempt of Kourtney by Eve Langlais. A shirtless man is glancing over his shoulder. A gavel, for some reason, is poised above his crotch.

From Susie T: This probably qualifies as a poor example of cover layout: notice where the mallet is located. Someone tried to make it a legal cover without thinking of the pasting of objects…

Sarah: First, hello to this model again.


Elyse: Kardashian?

Sarah: I’m just imagining him jumping up and down in front of a low table screaming ORDER IN THIS COURT. ORDER IN THIS COURT. Thwappity thwappity.

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