NB: This week, we’re taking a look back at some of our favorite and our most popular pieces of writing this year. We’ve got a week of best-of posts to share, with reviews, cover snark, and more. We hope you enjoy revisiting our archives, and most of all, we wish you and yours a wonderful holiday and a happy new year – with all the very best of reading.
Since we feature other things outside of reviews like HaBOs, Rec Leagues, and general opinion pieces, we wanted to look at what y’all really engaged with the most. I kept out sale posts and our regular new releases and Whatcha Reading columns.
Here’s the top five!
5. Your Top Three Re-Reads — And Why!
This was a discussion post that felt like the other side of the coin to our post about why we DNF books. Instead, we wanted to know what books you routinely reread and what keeps you coming back to them.
4. Track Your 2024 Reading With Our Community-Built Spreadsheet!
This may be the first time (in fair, I did not check previous posts) the reading spreadsheet has cracked the top five. I definitely foresee a 2025 post for the new year, if any of you are eagerly waiting for it! If you used the spreadsheet, how did your tracking go?
3. Tribal Alliance Against Frauds Says Colby Wilkens is Not Indigenous
We had recently run a guest review of Wilkens’ book, which did not get graded very favorably. This had the romance community talking for about a week and Wilkens eventually put out a statement. Her next book has been pulled from publication.
2. RWA has Filed for Bankruptcy, And You’ll Never Guess “Why”
Just when we thought the RWA horror show had ended! Bloomberg reported on it and RWA claimed that a “DEI issue” is what led to their bankruptcy. Many of the comments echoed Sarah’s “WTAF” response.
1. AI Audiobook Narrators in OverDrive and the Issue of Library AI Circulation Policy
What a fascinating deep dive! I definitely had my tinfoil hat on when Sarah revealed all these connections to me. It certainly is indicative of the growing usage of AI and how consumers will need to be even more vigilant about it.
I’m surprised there were no HaBOs in the top five this year! I personally liked seeing all the newsy stuff and would love to know if you want more of that in the new year.
Did you have a favorite post this year that really stood out to you? Or are there any features you just love reading?